You hired a carpet cleaning near me to come clean your carpet, and when the technician has completed the cleaning, the carpet looks fabulous. All of the spots are gone.
However, in the next day or so you start seeing the spot that was completely gone now coming back. There are two reasons this happens and also why America’s Choice has a 3-day spot treatment guarantee.
The primary culprit of the spot reappearing is called Wicking. Wicking occurs when the spilled substance soaks into the padding and backing of the carpeting, down to the floor. It may look like you’ve cleaned up a pet accident or a knocked-over glass of wine, but in fact, the liquid had time to seep down to where you can’t reach it. More info at Carpet Wicking 101: What Is It and How to Avoid It? | Imperial Dade
Carpet cleaning is a surface cleaning, but the moisture from the cleaning seeps to where the stain is trapped – in the backing of the carpet and on the padding. The hidden stain can be reabsorbed as the carpet dries, thus bringing the original stain back up to the surface.
Stains due to wicking can be hard to remove since the problem lies deep below the carpet’s surface. The best method to keep wicking from happening is to clean spots and spills as quickly as possible, especially pet stains, which can also carry unpleasant odors. Check out Service – AMERICA’S CHOICE CARPET CLEANING (
The secondary reason spots reoccur is due to soiling. You meant well when you used a carpet-cleaning solution to wipe up a spill or stain in your carpet. But you may have unknowingly left behind some residue of the cleaning product. If it’s not completely removed, the residue can attract and trap dirt and debris to the same spot, causing a similar-looking stain to occur. If you do use a DIY solution to remove spills, make sure to vacuum up the residue of whatever product you applied to the carpet.
America’s Choice Carpet Cleaning 3-day spot treatment guarantee consists of coming back out at no charge and treating the reoccurring spot with a more safe and drier method of removal.
We take pride in being transparent and honest about every facet of our business, including pricing. Unlike most local San Antonio companies, we post our prices directly on our website for your convenience.

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